Construction of a new cycle path and improvement of pavements in the districts of Barcelona

We are happy to announce that the VOLTES Group is working on the construction of the new bike lane on Carrer Rosselló, Fresser and Passeig Maragall, as well as on the expansion of the sidewalk on Carrer Fresser and the reorganization of the Conca-Còrsega intersection, in the districts of the Eixample, Sant Martí, Horta-Ginardó and Sant Andreu de Barcelona.

The new unidirectional and segregated bike lane is 400 meters long on Carrer Rosselló, 350 meters on Carrer Fresser and 130 meters on Carrer Còrsega. In addition, on Passeig Maragall, two segregated one-way cycle lanes have been introduced on the road for each direction of traffic, thus increasing the cycling network by 2.3 km.

The rearrangement of the intersection of Carrer Conca with Còrsega occupies an area of 1,050 m², improving the accessibility of the sidewalks by reducing the surface of the traffic lane and making it wider. In addition, the reuse of existing granite materials in good condition demonstrates a commitment to sustainability and resource conservation.

The VOLTES Group celebrates these initiatives that promote sustainable mobility and the safety of cyclists in the city. We continue to work for a greener and more responsible future with our planet.

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